Write to the Point

Vote for Kohlmeier for 9th District legislator

Remember that proposed bike trail between Colfax, Albion and Pullman? It’s been talked about for a decade, but it remains nonexistent. Rail traffic on the corridor stopped years ago and it hasn’t been used for anything productive since.

Federal rail-banking law not only allows, but encourages the right-of-way to be converted into a public trail and bike path. The Chipman Trail has been rail-banked in this manner.

Here’s the kicker: We the people already own it, but it languishes unused instead of benefiting the local economy and the public health and quality of life as such trails are proven to do. It’s time for the citizens who own the corridor to get a reasonable return on their investment in this valuable asset.

As state property, it is up to the Legislature to decide what to do with it. To this point, our three local state legislators refuse to support the trail project.

We now have a champion running who recognizes the broad value a trail would give us and will help get it done.

More importantly, she wants to find solutions to the opioid crisis and better mental health, housing, and rural broadband accessibility. As an emergency physician and lawyer specializing in health law, she is an earnest overachiever that I want working for what I think is important.

Vote for Dr. Pam Kohlmeier for 9th Legislative District representative.

Richard Wesson


A vote for Harris is a vote for communism

We know President Trump’s four-year track record — no wars, secure borders, energy independence (selling oil instead of buying from our enemies), lowest unemployment in decades, highest employment of black persons, fulfilled promise to bring U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, built up our military, initiated Space Force to help protect America and still fighting for America despite getting shot and a second attempt on his life by Democrat operatives.

And that’s only a partial list.

We also know Kamala Harris’ track record.

As California District Attorney, she refused to prosecute cases against Catholic priests who were molesting young children, refused to seek death penalty for the murderer of two cops, opened southern border and now can’t account for 325,000 missing children (most of whom the cartels sell into sex slavery). Moreover, 92% of her staff has quit (of 47 original staff members, only four are still employed — and staff reports she demands to be addressed as “general” and to “don’t ever look me in the eye.” And, of course, she wants Medicare for everyone (including illegal aliens).

Just look at how she and Joe have handled the aid to hurricane victims recently — no money for Americans.  

Vote for Kamala and you vote for World War III and a communist America.

Karen Ebel


Christians need to vote this election

I am requesting the attention of all Washingtonians, but especially Christians. 

Please vote in this year’s election. The issues we face are serious.

Transgender ideology has infected our children’s schools. Grocery bills are painfully high. Christian values are being silenced and slandered. 

My current home, Texas, is being trespassed by violent criminals being allowed into our country daily.  And my home state Washington, you too are among the victims — especially women and girls.

We should be outraged. But the sad reality is that 1-in-3 Christians doesn’t vote regularly. And when Christians don’t show up at the ballot box — the secular will.

Jesus told us, “You are the light of the world.” Our culture seems to be growing darker and darker. But our light can dispel the darkness and  push back against the evil. 

Voting is one way to bring light into this world.

Please pray over this election and show up and vote. Show up, vote, as a Christian and as an American.

More than anything. please be in prayer, as I am, that Christians will stand up, vote in record numbers, and elect leaders who will defend biblical truth and the families who live by it.

Patricia Owens

Fulton, Texas


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