Crime rates in Liberty Lake: a local snapshot

Crime rates lag behind State's

SPOKANE – Liberty Lake is experiencing crime rate changes that reflect some of the troubling trends happening across Washington state. A recent report from the Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs (WASPC) shows that violent crimes and vehicle thefts are rising, and Liberty Lake's statistics tell a similar story.

In 2023, Liberty Lake reported a total of 649 offenses, which is a 6.7% increase compared to 2022. While there were no murders in Liberty Lake last year, other violent crimes have seen significant changes. Aggravated assaults rose by 15.8%, and simple assaults increased by 13.6%. These increases reflect a statewide trend, where violent crime has gone up by 19.6% over the past five years.

Vehicle theft is another area of concern. Although Washington state saw a massive 110.2% jump in vehicle thefts since 2019, Liberty Lake experienced a decrease of 19.2% in 2023. This difference shows that some communities are handling crime differently, and Liberty Lake is seeing a positive trend in this area.

Robberies, on the other hand, have not been a problem in Liberty Lake. No robberies were reported in 2023, even though Washington state as a whole has seen an increase of 19.8% in robberies over the past five years.

In addition to the overall crime trends, it's important to consider domestic violence. Liberty Lake reported a total of 80 domestic violence offenses, with some serious injuries noted. This highlights the ongoing need for community support and resources for victims of domestic violence.

Author Bio

Clare McGraw, Reporter

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Clare is an Eastern Washington University graduate and a reporter at Free Press Publishing.


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