Blackhawk girls top Lakeside

CHENEY - The Blackhawks girls soccer team collected a 4-1 non-league victory Sept. 26 over 1A Lakeside (Nine Mile Falls), but fell in a pair of Greater Spokane League contests last week.

Behind the two goals from Kinley Collins, one in each half, the Blackhawks cruised past the Eagles. Kaylee Kohlman's free kick goal in the seventh minute got thing started. Raimee Gleason connected in the 30th minute for a 3-0 lead.

The Cheney keeper tandem of Kiah Klauss (70 minutes) and Sami Lopez (10 mins.) combined to limit Lakeside to a single goal off a penalty kick in the 71st minute.

Cheney traveled to Mead and Union Stadium, Sept. 25 and lost 5-1. Collins scored the game's final goal for the Blackhawks to break the shutout.

Ridgeline broke a scoreless tie late in the second half, Sept. 30, scoring in the 69th, 70th and 75th minute to take a 3-0 GSL win in Cheney.

The Blackhawks played Lewis and Clark at ONE Spokane Stadium, Oct. 2 and are home vs. Mead, Oct. 7 at 4 p.m.


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