Write to the Point

Series: Letter to the Editor | Story 4

Airport, Spokane need to step up

As you know the city of Spokane is 50% owner of the Spokane International Airport and President Wilkerson sits on the Spokane Airport Board. As such, they are just as liable and responsible for the PFOA water contamination that has contaminated hundreds of private water wells out here on the West Plains.

I find it strange that the city of Spokane has been very quiet about all this? Yes, this is also a county problem, but as 50% owners, it is also your problem.

Why did it take a whistleblower to file a FOIA request to get the test results that were taken at the airport back in 2017? Why has the Airport Board — to include the city of Spokane — continued to remain quiet?

Why did it take the state Department of Ecology to file enforcement action against the Airport to bring this to light?

It’s time that both the city and county of Spokane step up and start doing the right thing. The people of the West Plains affected by this deserve and demand answers.

Jerry Goertz

Deep Creek Ranchettes Water Association

Conroy has experience to counter Trump

Do Donald Trump’s supporters have any concept of living under a dictator? Have they ever studied Russia under Putin, Venezuela under Maduro, Chile under Pinochet, Germany under Hitler?

Or closer to home, where Cuba traded one dictator, Fulgencio Batista, who committed genocide against opposition, for a “better” one, Communist Fidel Castro?

Are they currently watching Benjamin Netanyahu stay in power to avoid jail time from corruption charges — convicted felon Trump’s goal? Despite massive internal Israeli protests demanding his resignation, Netanyahu continues his annihilation of Gaza.

Can they relate to being jailed, beaten and even killed, for opposing a dictator, as illustrated recently by Putin opposition leader Alexei Navalny’s death and 24 Venezuelan Maduro protesters killed?

I ask Trump supporters, unless you’re wealthy, do you think he will change and actually support measures that benefit you rather than simply continuing to talk like he does to stoke your emotions and anger?

Project 2025, written by Trump’s associates, is his dictator playbook; he admires autocrats like Netanyahu and Putin, to whom Trump would hand over Ukraine.

Locally, if Michael Baumgartner is elected as a U.S. representative, does anyone think he’ll stand up to Trump’s dictator aspirations any better than the other current congressional Republicans?

Carmela Conroy, opposing Baumgartner, has international diplomat career experience, including dealing with dictatorships, to help her understand and counter Trump.

Norm Luther



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