Board discusses policy on restraint

Changing may lead to lawssuits

CHENEY—The Cheney School Board reviewed the district’s policy on restraint, isolation, and other uses of reasonable force during its meeting on Sept. 11. Assistant Superintendent Tom Arlt presented the review, explaining that the district sought legal counsel before deciding not to revise the policy.

“We don’t want to make revisions that could potentially open us up to litigation,” Arlt said. “It’s important we stick closely to the law.”

Board members Mitch Swenson and Henry Browne asked about the possibility of expanding certain parts of the policy, with Browne asking for clarification on what was being considered. Arlt responded that the discussion was centered around potential changes to the third paragraph of the policy, but the recommendation from legal counsel was to keep the language as is.

Cheney School District’s current policy, outlined under Policy No. 3246, aims to maintain a safe learning environment while ensuring students are treated with dignity and respect. The policy specifies that restraint, isolation, or other uses of physical force should not be used as a form of punishment. Instead, these measures are only allowed when there is a risk of “imminent likelihood of serious harm” as defined by Washington state law (RCW 71.05.020 and WAC 392-172A).

The policy applies to all students, including those with individualized education programs (IEPs) or 504 plans. Any use of restraint or isolation must be closely monitored by staff, and actions are required to be stopped once the immediate threat of harm is over.

Arlt emphasized the need for caution when implementing such measures, adding that the district aims to use the minimum amount of force necessary to protect both students and staff.

The superintendent or a designee is required to report annually to the board about incidents involving the use of force. The policy was last revised in March 2022, with the most recent review prompting the district to maintain its current approach.

Author Bio

Clare McGraw, Reporter

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Clare is an Eastern Washington University graduate and a reporter at Free Press Publishing.


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