Q2 budget amendments introduced

Council approves six changes

MEDICAL LAKE – Finance Director Koss Ronhault presented six budget amendments during the Medical Lake City Council’s workshop on Tuesday. The amendments cover a range of adjustments, from unanticipated expenditures to tourism and broadband-related costs.

The proposed amendments include:

• Amendment 24.1: An increase of $25,000 to the General Fund (001) for administrative services to cover unanticipated costs related to records room grants, audit expenses, software increases, and IT expenditures.

• Amendment 24.2: An increase of $60,000 to the Tourism Fund (126) for the city’s concert series and other economic development activities. These funds will cover unplanned costs for fireworks and marketing.

• Amendment 24.3: An additional $104,000 to the Broadband Fund (410) to address legal fees associated with franchise agreements and broadband-related activities funded by Broadlinc.

• Amendment 24.4: A $75,000 increase to the Parks and Recreation budget to account for the purchase of a bus, originally budgeted in 2023 but completed in 2024.

• Amendment 24.5: A $18,000 increase for government relations services provided by Gordan Thomas Honeywell to the Legislative Department (110).

• Amendment 24.6: Additional appropriations for the Mayor and Councilmember salaries, as decided by the Salary Commission, with $3,150 allocated to the Legislative Department and $2,500 to the Executive Department.

Ronhault emphasized that these adjustments are largely “housekeeping” tasks, ensuring that the city’s budget reflects unanticipated expenditures and aligns with existing financial commitments.

One notable item discussed was reallocating gas tax funds from the emergency fund to the general budget. “We’ve realized we don’t need that tax money stockpiled,” said Mayor Terri Cooper.

The budget amendments are expected to be finalized in the coming weeks.

Author Bio

Clare McGraw, Reporter

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Clare is an Eastern Washington University graduate and a reporter at Free Press Publishing.


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