Weather phenomena

Whether the weather be cold or whether the weather be hot, whether the weather be wet or whether the weather be not; Whatever the weather, we’ll weather the weather, whether we like it or not!

A chant to sing as kids. It’s true too. We are at the mercy of the weather around us. We adapt as we can, and muddle on through. WE try to avoid the lightning strikes, find cover from hailstorms, if we can, and go outside to enjoy the summer days that are sunny and not too warm.

Being at the mercy of conditions was brought home to me when Mt St Helen dropped a pile of ash on us. Not knowing the effect of it had us worried for our garden and our car. We wore masks when outside to avoid breathing in the dust. And we saved jars full of the stuff as souvenirs.

When kids were little, we’d bring snow inside in a bowl, add sugar and flavoring for snow ice cream, Or we would sled or skate or make snow angels, knowing that once back inside there would be hot cocoa with a marshmallow floating in it.

So whatever the weather, we’ll weather the weather, whether we like it or not!


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