To write a book about my life. Where to begin?

If one believes in the theory of evolution, one might consider going back to when the spark of life present in me began. If it truly was passed down through mutations from past organisms, one should go back pretty far. To the beginning. Simple living cells began around 3.5 billion years in the past. The oldest actual fossil record of them found on earth were in stromatolithic rock in Greenland which dated to 3.8 billion years ago. Three billion years ago photosynthesis begins, the origins of plant life. But it took until 1.5 billion years ago that bacteria began producing oxygen which accumulated in the atmosphere toproduce the oxygenated air we all now breathe. Now we are getting somewhere. So far there are only simple plants and bacteria in the ancient earth oceans, but only a mere 700 million years ago the first simple animals appear. Things really pick up now. The plants moved onto land 400 million years ago and only 50 million years later at 350 million years ago, the first vertebrate animals moved out of the oceans onto land. I believe these are our earliest ancestors. It took 349,700,000 years for the first recognizable human animals, our earliest Hominid ancestors to evolve and appear, a short 300,000 years ago. Our species, Homo Sapiens, with a bigger brain and lighter and more erect skeleton show up around 200,000 years ago and further evolved into our final present Homo Sapien form only 100,000 years ago. Seems like only yesterday! I think evolution is true for this reason. If you have ever watched a documentary of the development of a human being from conception, I believe you see evolution occurring right before your eyes. We start out when single cells meet, then slowly go through all of the steps of earth- life evolution. The cells multiply and eventually form a tiny vertebrate living in water that has gills and a tail. When the development of limbs, brains, sensory organs, and breathing structures is completed, we are ready to emerge from the water to become land animals. We have gone through 700 million years of evolution in 9 months, swimming in our mother’s ocean. I now think I have come to the answer of the opening question, my life story, where to begin. A little single cell fish with a tail, a sperm from a modern human male, swims up the primeval fluids to meet the plump fertile single cell ova of a human female. They are strongly attracted to each other. They kiss and bond and…..Here Comes Johnny! From here, to continue the story of my life, I suppose we have to go to my earliest memory and proceed from there. This should be done in chapter 2 of this saga, which I suspect could be forthcoming in not too much time, certainly less than 700 million years.


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