Cheney School District


Cheney School District is seeking applications from persons interested in being appointed to committees to write the for/against statements for the Spokane and Whitman County Local Voters’ Pamphlets related to the District’s following ballot measure to be considered at the November 5, 2024 Special Election: (1) Bonds to Construct and Improve School Facilities. Those interested should send their name, address, phone number, and which position they represent to Jamie Reed, Finance Director, Cheney School District, 12414 S. Andrus Rd., Cheney, WA 99004 or via email at [email protected] by July 16, 2024. The Board will take action on the appointments at its July 17, 2024, regular board meeting. In making the committee appointments, the Board will consider the criteria for appointments made by the Spokane County Auditor’s Office established in the Spokane County Local Voters’ Pamphlet Administrative Rules for Jurisdictions.

Puublished July 4 and 11, 2024


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