Compensate farmers for turbine funds

Series: Letter to the Editor | Story 2

I’ve read many letters about windmills recently, but I’ve missed hearing the views of some of the key players. I’d like to hear more from the farmers considering installing windmills.

We need to hear more from farmers because they play a vital role in the Palouse economy but face escalating challenges. The unpredictable weather exacerbated by climate change means farmers must explore all options to sustain themselves financially. Wind power income would help.

My nightmare scenario is not windmills but bankrupt farmers, no food, and a depressed local economy. I’m not concerned about windmills because other countries operate them successfully. And I think locals will do it as well, if not better, with the accumulated experience of different installations.

However, if the windmill opposition is correct and the absence of windmills is truly valuable, it seems reasonable that the opposition compensates farmers appropriately for blocking this potential income.

Simon Smith



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