Transparency good for governing

Series: Guest Column | Story 10

An engaged citizenry should be the pursuit not the torment of democracy. Adopting policies favoring government transparency at all levels of government is of utmost importance to the progression of free market ideals. Providing citizens with notice of public meetings and meaningful details of the topics on agendas is the first step towards more government transparency.

In a survey by CivicsPlus of 16,000 people, 82% wanted more government transparency at the local level. The same survey also found that individuals engaging with city websites more than once a month were 5 times more trusting in their city council.

As local governments share information, engage with constituents, and increase dialogue, more trust in government is built.

This trust is a time-saving effort. Government officials spend less time on dispersing information when a framework already exists. Also, an informed citizenry needs less time spent on history and background information and can move forward to solutions. These benefits of transparent government can be realized when:

1. Public Meetings are announced on a regular platform, where it is easy to find and attend. Meetings should also be recorded for citizens to have access to and review previous material.

2. Five Days Public Notice of Agenda: It is difficult for citizens to come prepared to government meetings without knowing the agenda items before the meeting. Local government, including all councils, commissions and boards should provide agenda items with at least five-day notice.

3. Policy Changes and Proposals Included in Packet: All policy changes and proposals included on a public meeting agenda for any level of government should have related documents and information publicly available before the meeting. This includes the actual text of ordinances (etc.) to be considered.

Efforts towards more open public meetings are ongoing throughout the country.

For example, the Transparent Idaho website has already taken a great step towards open and transparent government finances by providing spending information for the cities and school boards.

State and local governments should embrace increased transparency and provide access to the same details provided to public officials when issuing a public notice of a meeting and agenda. Citizens will benefit when government meetings are public for everyone (online and in-person), a five-day notice is provided, and relevant information is publicly included in the agenda notice before the meeting.

— Madilynne Clark writes for the Mountain States Policy Center. Email her at [email protected].


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