Turbines don't make sense here

Series: Guest Column | Story 4

Being a generational landowner in the area designated for wind turbines, I am not opposed to them when thoughtfully placed. But Eastern Whitman County is shockingly illogical.

Why place the largest of turbines in a populated rural region with high crop yields, adjacent to Kamiak Butte, a thoroughly utilized park in a region photographed worldwide for its astounding beauty?

Shocking in placement and proposed size, Harvest Hills has a contracted filing with the FAA for 70 sights with an additional 25 listed as alternates. Turbines will be 699 feet (94 feet higher than the Space Needle) — all located north of Parvin, south of state Highway 272 and west of Kamiak Butte.

How can residents of this area retain any value to their crop land and residences?

As disturbing as the betrayal of neighbors is the lack of concern for residents by Whitman County commissioners. Members of Save the Palouse have engaged with commissioners regarding residents’ concerns, all of which have been met with an attitude of extreme dismissal. This is a dereliction of their duty as commissioners to serve the needs of county residents to preserve our property values, our natural resources and health.

Why have any commissioners if they only serve the interest of Harvest Hills?

We begin the fight protecting our land values and beauty of the Palouse. We need your help.

Contact the Commissioners Art Swannack, Tom Handy and Mike Largent.

Bonnie Brumley



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