Local man sentenced for child porn

Liberty Lake resident to pay restitution

LIBERTY LAKE – A local man was sentenced to federal prison in connection with child pornography charges.

Rick Lynn Johnson, 69, of Liberty Lake, was sentenced to federal prison and ordered to pay $60,000 in victim restitution after pleading guilty to receipt of child pornography before U.S. District Judge Thomas O. Rice

Between May 30, 2021, and June 16, 2022, federal law enforcement discovered numerous instances of child pornography being downloaded by Johnson, court records show.

In November 2022, federal agents executed a search warrant at Johnson’s residence, seizing electronic devices including a phone, computers and hard drives.

An analysis of the devices uncovered 2,506 images and 97 videos of child pornography, some depicting minors younger than 12 years old, records show.

U.S. District Attorney Vanessa R. Waldref emphasized the gravity of such crimes, stating, “All children should be safe from sexual predators.

“Protecting children from harm, especially online exploitation, remains a priority of my office and is critical to building a safe and strong Eastern Washington community.”

Johnson admitted to utilizing his phone and computer to download and distribute child pornography online during the preceding year, records show.

His actions led to the distress and victimization of numerous individuals.

The sentencing included a requirement for Johnson to pay $60,000 in restitution to seven of his victims, along with $10,000 in special assessments.

Author Bio

Clare McGraw, Reporter

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Clare is an Eastern Washington University graduate and a reporter at Free Press Publishing.


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