Notice of Determination of Non-Significance (DNS)

City of Spokane Valley

Notice of Determination of Non-Significance (DNS)

City of Spokane Valley

Date Issued: May 31, 2024

File Number & Name: SEP-2024-0005 – Dave & Buster’s

Proposal Description: Construct a 25,000 square foot building with paved parking and stormwater improvements on 5.08 acres.

Proposal Location: The project site is located at 13913 and 13921 E Mansfield Avenue, parcel numbers 45113.0514 and 45113.0515; located at the northwest corner of the intersection of E Mansfield Avenue and N Evergreen Road, further located in SW ¼ of Section 11, Township 25 North, Range 44 East, Willamette Meridian, Spokane...


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