Registered sex offender arrested for violent sexual assault

SPOKANE VALLEY – Sexual Assault Unit (SAU) Detectives took steps in pursuing justice as they secured a warrant for the arrest of Gregory C. Boris, a 42-year-old Level-2 Registered Sex Offender implicated in a violent sexual assault on February 5.

Boris, residing in Kennewick, was apprehended in the Tri-Cities based on the warrant and subsequently transferred to Spokane County Jail.

The incident unfolded on February 5 around 11:20 pm when Spokane Valley Deputies responded to reports of a rape. An employee from a store near Sprague and Pines Avenue alerted authorities after a woman entered seeking assistance, disclosing that she had been assaulted.

The male suspect, identified as Boris, had fled the store’s parking lot in a white van before law enforcement’s arrival, initiating a search that yielded no immediate results. Sexual Assault Unit Detectives commenced investigations.

During the inquiry, detectives learned that the victim and Boris had been acquainted for over a year before the harrowing assault took place at a nearby hotel. Statements and evidence amassed during the investigation led to the formulation of probable cause to charge Boris with 2nd Degree Rape, 2nd Degree Assault, 2nd Degree Strangulation with Sexual Motivation, and felony harassment – threats to kill.

Despite concerted efforts to locate Boris in Spokane, he remained elusive. SAU Detectives extended their search efforts to the Tri-Cities area, alerting law enforcement agencies there and securing a warrant for Boris’ arrest.

On February 12, SAU Detectives received confirmation that Boris had been apprehended in the Tri-Cities by the Benton County Sheriff’s Office and U.S. Marshals. The following day, February 13, Boris was transported back to Spokane County and booked into the Spokane County Jail to face all charges stemming from the established probable cause.

Author Bio

Clare McGraw, Reporter

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Clare is an Eastern Washington University graduate and a reporter at Free Press Publishing.


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