Cheney: Plan for snow when parking

CHENEY – The city is reminding residents to plan ahead for snow removal and holiday parking to ensure the smooth operation of plows.

Each winter, some city residents venturing away for the holidays return home to find their parked cars towed. City officials emphasize the importance of proactive planning to prevent vehicles from impeding the snow removal process.

The city has established guidelines to manage snow accumulation, officials said.

When 2 or more inches of snow cover city streets, a parking restriction is implemented between midnight and 6 a.m.

Downtown, the restriction is from 3-6 a.m.

Vehicles left on the streets during these hours may be subject to citation and towing at the owner’s expense if they obstruct snowplows, officials said.

Author Bio

Clare McGraw, Reporter

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Clare is an Eastern Washington University graduate and a reporter at Free Press Publishing.


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