Cheney school board results counted

Election to be certified Nov. 28

General Election results

Cheney School District Director 2:

After the first day of ballot counting in the November 7th election, a local woman has taken the lead in the race for the School District Director No. 2 position.

As of November 7, Elizabeth Winer had 3040 votes, 73.25%. She was ahead of opponent Joshua Sutton with 1074 votes, 25.88%.

Unfortunately, Elizabeth Winer could not be reached for comment on Tuesday night.

Meanwhile, Joshua Sutton reflected on his campaign efforts, stating, “I tried to talk to as many people as I could.”

Cheney School District Director 4:

Next up in the Cheney School District elections, a local man has emerged as the front runner for the School District Director No. 4 position.

Bill Hanson had 2209 votes, 52.45%. He was ahead of John Boerger who had 1968 votes, 46.72%.

Expressing his surprise and gratitude for the community’s support, Bill Hanson said, “I am pleasantly surprised. I never thought I’d run for the school board, but it’s great that the community is supporting me.”

Joe Boerger remained optimistic, saying, “Well I think it’s still too close to call and we need to wait for the rest of the ballots to come in. I continue to remain hopeful, but we’ll just have to see what the people have decided.”

Reminiscing on his campaign, he stated, “It was fantastic to connect with community members, hear their concerns, and understand the district’s areas for improvement.”

Cheney School District Director 5:

In the race for seat number 5, Mitch Swenson has taken the lead, with 2707 votes, totalling 63.14% of the total vote. His opponent, Bill Lathrop, received 1545 votes, 36.04%.

Neither Swenson or Lathrop could not be reached to provide any further comment.

4915 ballots have been received by the Spokane County Auditor’s Office out of the 25,630 mailed to registered voters in Cheney.

As of Tuesday night, the voter turnout stood at 19.18%. However, this figure is expected to increase as late-arriving ballots are tallied in the days ahead.

The election will be certified on November 28.


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