Writers Workshop
6 a.m. October 1st, 2023. The early morning autumn light gently filtered through my eyelids, waking me slowly, easing my foggy brain into another day’s existence.
A languorous stretch produced the effect I hoped for- a furry headbutt to my shoulder as Tika rolled into my side. This was the magic hour; sleep slowly leaving my head, dawn lifting the veil of dreams and a rather insistent pup vying for my half-awake attention.
I love this moment between worlds when nothing is required of me yet, just pet the dog and try to decipher a dream’s elusive meaning. Soon I will forget the dream, pouring my attention into and through another day. What was that dream?
Oh well. Tika became more insistent and I didn’t want to wake Jim. We rose and quietly went into the other room to dress for our morning walk. Well, I dressed for a walk.
Tika paced impatiently. “Girl, I’m still half asleep,” I said as she attempted to herd me into the bathroom or out the door. I wasn’t sure which. We played a little as I dressed. This wasn’t easy to do as she pushed me with her head, walked between my legs as I put on pants and generally teased me into action. Our morning routine never changes.
I wake up and the day’s bullying begins. I don’t mind, though. To Tika, it’s all a game, even the bossiness. On the way to the door, I grabbed my jacket and hat, Tika’s collar and the house keys. She sat impatiently while I put her collar on, then jumped at the door. Once outside, Tika ran her usual route looking for squirrels and back to me as if to say, “Hurry, Momma, the park is this way.” I was half way down the street when I noticed everything seemed different. Autumn has a distinct smell as well as, appearance.
Today smelled like spring. Strange. I shuffled along, watching my huntress chase squirrels up trees and run from one favorite spot to the next looking for cats to pursue. It really did smell like spring and the grass was a rather spring-like, lighter green.
Looking up, I saw that the trees, whose leaves had begun to turn golden in the past week, were now greener, lusher. The air had a different quality too. It felt springy. Once we entered the park, I noticed the flowers were blooming brightly.
Just yesterday, their faded and falling petals showed signs of preparing for a long winter’s sleep. Now today, heads lifted to the sun, they bloomed strong and beautiful. Everywhere around me signs of spring abounded. Fresh, light green grass thrust through last year’s faded growth. Birds sang their cheery songs welcoming the new season.
Even the squirrels bounced from tree to tree and dug around for last year’s stash. Some happily cleared out old nests while others were building new fresh nests to have and raise babies in.
I was bundled up for a chilly Autumn morning while neighbors tottered around in lightweight, spring gear. Confused and concerned and frankly overdressed and hot, I made my way back home, Tika happily dancing by my side.
Once inside the house, I picked up my phone to check the date. This was too weird and beginning to scare me. Tuesday, April 2nd, 2024.
So I slapped myself. Ow. I checked my phone again and it’s still April 2nd, 2024. Tika pestered me for breakfast. A creature of habit, she has little patience for deviation from her routine. As I fed her, I tried to make sense of the morning. It was September 30th yesterday.
I knew it was. How did six months go by overnight? This was impossible. I decided to get Jim’s coffee going, knowing the smell and sound of fresh brewed coffee would wake him and I could claim innocence of waking him on purpose.
I hoped he could help me clear up what was going on. As he began to stir, Tika jumped up on the bed to help him along. I heard a rather gravelly, “Good morning Baby Bear,” come from the bedroom as Jim slowly woke up. I gave them a few moments of Daddy/ Dog-ter time before invading their sweet morning greetings.
“Hey Babe, sorry we woke you. I should have closed the door,” I lied. “That’s ok, Honey,” my love graciously replied. I lay down next to him with Tika in between (of course) and waited patiently for Jim’s agonizingly slow entry into this new day.
I really wanted to demand he tell me what day it was and why. Pushing my crazy thoughts aside, I got up and poured him a coffee. His eyes were barely open; the poor man wasn’t ready yet as I shoved a scalding hot cup of coffee at him. “Mmm, breakfast in bed, I see,” he muttered as he put the cup on the nightstand.
Tika settled in for her morning nap as Jim waited for me to tell him what this was about. He knew something was up, but was trying desperately to wake up before I dropped whatever it was on him.
“Okay,” I thought, “take a deep breath, settle down and let the man get up, splash some water on his face and wake up before casually hitting him with, “how did I lose six months of time?”
His morning ablutions completed, he looked me in the eye and said, “Lay it on me, Babe. What’s going on?” As I explained my morning’s confusion to him, he just smiled. “Well, how did I lose six months of time? What’s going on here? How is this possible?” I was becoming more agitated with each question and that ridiculous smile plastered on his face. What the hell was that about anyway?
He held me in his arms, kissed the top of my head and booped my nose saying, “That’s easy, you’re still asleep.” With that, I awoke to a crisp autumn morning on October 1st, 2023. Tika stretched and rolled towards me, wanting her morning lovins’. I snuggled with her as I tried to decipher the dream. Just in case I checked my phone. Yup, still October. Whew!
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