SPOKANE VALLEY — The Council heard the first reading of a Comprehensive Plan Amendment which would, if passed, rezone the New Park Area from Single Family Residential
(SFR) and Neighborhood Commercial (NC) to Parks, Recreation and Open Space.
The New Park Area is located in the north of the city between North Forker Road in the east and North Progress Road in the west.
It is composed of four parcels totaling approximately 19 acres which are currently zoned Single Family Residential.
According to city documents, the proposed changes are consistent with the applicable RCW codes and comply with City’s adopted code.
The change will provide new park space for residents in an area that is lacking and will preserve space in the flood plain/critical areas, according to city documents.
On June 2 and 9, 2023, notice for a public hearing on the proposed amendments was placed inthe Spokane Valley News Herald.
On June 7, 2023, the site subject to an amendment was posted with a “Notice of Public Hearing” sign with a description of the proposal and information on the public hearing.
On June 6, 2023, a notice of public hearing was mailed to property owners within 400 feet of the proposed amendment site.
On March 9, 2023, the Planning Commission held a study session on the proposed 2023 Comprehensive Plan amendments. A public hearing on the proposed amendments was held
June 22, 2023.
On July 25, 2023, an Administrative Report was presented to City Council. The Council agreed
by consensus to have the proposed Ordinance 23-015 presented for first reading.
The Ordinance under consideration identifies the findings to approve the proposed amendment consistent with the Comprehensive Plan goals and policies.
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