Spokane Valley City Council Pos. 6

Jed Spencer

Age: 43

Hometown: Liberty Lake

Employment/Business/Other Experience: Board of Directors, sales, and vendor relations, local small business (current). Board of Directors for Spokane Regional MarCom Association, Finance Chair (2015-2018)

Community Service: 2-Year mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Panama City, Panama. Active member of the church, including various leadership roles, involved in countless service opportunities, serving organizations and individuals/families in and outside of our congregations. Current Liberty Lake City Councilman, Position 4.

Education: Central Valley H.S. Graduate; B.S. Business Management, BYU Idaho; Currently working toward a Certificate of Municipal Leadership from the Association of Washington Cities.

Family: Wife and four children.

1.) In your opinion, is the current Council managing the affairs of the city efficiently? Why or why not?

As a sitting Councilman, I will say that this is the goal. City staff does an excellent job at preparing the information needed ahead of each meeting. I do the work necessary to take that information and come prepared to work efficiently.

2.) What is the biggest issue facing the City of Liberty Lake?

Our city is experiencing growing pains. Liberty Lake is highly sought after, and with good reason! Those of us on the Council are tasked with managing that growth, while maintaining a hometown feel and sense of community we all love. We are accomplishing that goal and I'm excited to continue serving after winning the election in November!


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