Bridge and roundabout planned
SPOKANE VALLEY – A major project that is part of the city's six-year transportation improvement program is close to having a finalized design.
A grade separation project was recently completed at the Barker and Trent intersections, and more of those projects can be expected.
According to Gloria Mantz the city engineer for Spokane Valley, this project is a little more extensive than the Barker grade separation.
During the July 18 city council meeting, Mantz presented council with an update on the project.
This endeavor is a grade separation on Pines that will allow traffic to bypass the railroad tracks. Currently the tracks are used for dozens of trains each day, and that impacts traffic negatively.
Mantz said the city is in negotiations and coordinating with the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad to get the land needed to build a bridge over the tracks.
She said there are some prioritized goals the city has been working toward.
"The goal will be to have contract documents ready by Spring of 2024," Mantz said. "That is contingent on successful right-of-way negotiations that are currently ongoing."
Engineering Manager for the program Erica Amsden, presented council with an update on the right-of-way acquisitions.
"Seven parcels were acquired through early right-of-way acquisition processes," Amsden said. "Which were all of the required acquisitions for the project."
"Three of these were donated by Avista, and partial acquisitions were required through 12 different landowners," she added.
She said they have successfully negotiated with five of the 12 property owners.
According to Amsden the four property owners that are potentially high risk are Lawless LLC, Lawless Farrow Investments, BBR Investments, and BMN Investments. She said they could prolong the schedule if negations take too long.
"With these four, prolonged negotiations could delay the overall schedule," Amsden said. "So we would like to proceed with a final action ordinance."
Amsdne said they will be working through and presenting that ordinance through several meetings in July and August.
The project also requires certain utilizes will need to be moved in order to complete the project.
According to documents presented at the council meeting, bridge construction is expected to begin this fall.
A shift intersection and roundabout at Pines and Trent is also planned to be part of this.
To improve the area for pedestrians, a trailhead connecting to the Centennial Trail will also be built.
Mantz explained the project is on schedule, but there are some factors that could impact that.
Mantz said the city needs to acquire some of the land for right-of-way purposes, and there are some businesses that are considered high risk.
The project is fully funded through multiple sources according to Mantz.
Councilwoman Laura Padden asked how problematic the discussion is with the high-risk property owners.
Mantz quickly said they shouldn't discuss the details of those conversations because of complex elements.
Authority was granted for the engineers to move forward with the final action ordinance regarding the property owners.
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