Central Valley School Board, Position 1

Cindy McMullen

Age: 71

Hometown: Spokane Valley

Employment/Business/Other Experience: Attorney in Spokane Valley for over 40 years, retired.

Community Service: 32 years on the Central Valley School Board; 4 years on the Washington State Board of Education; Past President and current Legislative Committee member of the Washington State School Directors' Association; Past Chair and current member of the WSSDA federal advocacy team; WSSDA Leadership Training Consultant; Rotarian for 20+ years, 15+ years as a Girl Scout Leader and Council Boardmember

Education: Stanford University, BA Political Science; Gonzaga School of Law, Juris Doctor

Family: Married to Dennis McMullen for 50 years, 3 adult daughters all educated in the Central Valley School District, graduates of University High School, all college graduates, married and excelling in their chosen professions; 5 grandchildren

Disclaimer: The following questions were answered by candidates in 100 words or less. We

do not edit the answers, other than to enforce the word limit.

1.Do you support the state mandated comprehensive sexual health education? Why or why not?

I support providing fact based scientific information to our students, including regarding to sexual health. Our students need this information to be safe. Central Valley has adopted a conservative curriculum which meets the minimum state requirements. The opt out option is open to any student and their parent/guardian, which protects the parents' rights to educate their children themselves on this topic while allowing other families to have their students receive the school's science-based education in sexual health.

2.Do you support the implementation of social-emotional learning? Why or why not?

Social-Emotional learning is an important part of the education of the whole child. Students are taught strategies to manage their emotions, work together, set and meet goals and other important "soft skills." The program that has been adopted in Central Valley School District provides students with the skills they need to successfully deal with situations that arise at school which can interrupt their learning, as well as the learning of their fellow classmates.

3.If faced with another pandemic situation in which the state mandated vaccines for school workers, how would you vote and why?

I would ensure that the Central Valley School District complied with the mandate which has the force of law. I would not violate the oath of office that I swore to uphold the constitutions and laws of the nation and our state. I would not jeopardize funding for our students' educational opportunities. I would also follow the mandate as an example to our staff and students of lawful behavior. I would also advocate to the agencies charged with issuing the mandate to encourage them to limit it to only what is required and to end it as soon as possible.


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