Cheney City Council Seat No. 6

Pete Montague

Age: 41

Employment/Business/Other Experience:  Ag Enterprise Supply

Community Service:  Driver and provider of the  sleigh for Santa  Christmas light tour in Cheney.

Education:  Cheney High School   Some College

Family: Myself, My lovely wife Tracy and my 4 year old son Barrett.

Disclaimer: The following questions were answered by candidates in 100 words or less. We do not edit the answers, other than to enforce the word limit.


1. Are there any measures you plan to pursue in order to support the agricultural industry in and around Cheney? I grew up in the agricultural industry in and around Cheney. I am a supporter of Agriculture everywhere and continue to work in the local agricultural industry. I am not running for city council with a specific agenda, or with a bone to pick. I quite simply would like to give back to the community I was raised in by being a solid level headed councilman focused on accountability and sound business decisions. The city of Cheney's job is to provide a safe, clean, and friendly place for people to live and conduct business.

 2. Do you foresee disagreements with your opponent over her support of unionized workers?

It is fairly safe to say, myself and my opponent probably have different views of unionized workers.  I am neither pro nor anti-union; I will say striking in some instances other than worker safety is selfish. If you want a better job, go get one. Some trades or fields pay better than others, some have better benefits, and all jobs are not equal. It is up to the individual person to control their own outcome.


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