"Never Forget" Veterans Garden made official

LIBERTY LAKE – Vibrant kites danced in the blue sky alongside the bright colors of the American Flag on May 29 as dozens of people gathered around the flagpole in Orchard Park to see the dedication ceremony for a newly placed monument called the "Never Forget" Veterans Garden that is placed in honor of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. The Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) is the group working to place these markers across the country.

After a brief welcoming Memorial Day message, boy scout troop 448 presented the flags. Liberty Lake Mayor, Cris Kaminskas was the first speaker to step to the podium.

"The men and women who died for our freedom represent the diverse patchwork that is the United States of America," Kaminskas said. "They were rich and poor, black and white, male and female and they were from our cities, farms and suburbs. They came from every ethnicity, background and political spectrum."

"In short, they looked like any one of us," the mayor added. "Their one common characteristic is that they all took an oath to die for America if called upon. We must ensure that the memories of those heroes and their sacrifices are not in vain."

The marker was dedicated and unveiled by members of the DAR. Following the wreath presentation, keynote speaker Craig Fallon spoke about war and how many lives were lost in various military operations.

He then explained how there are several cemeteries that are not on American soil.

"The Normandy American Cemetery contains 9,338 military dead and lists 1,557 missing," Fallon said. "It is one of 36 American military cemeteries outside the United States maintained in perfect pristine condition by the American Battle Monuments Commission."

Fallon, a retired tomb guard that once stood watch over the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier continued by getting back to the presentation of the monument.

"This Memorial Day we honor millions of Americans who fought, and the many thousands who died," said Fallon. "by dedicating this "Never Forget" memorial garden here in Liberty Lake."

There are nearly 600 "Never Forget" memorial gardens across the country, and over 20 in the Spokane and Couer d'Alene area according to Fallon with plans for more currently in the works.

Author Bio

Matthew Stephens, Reporter

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Matthew graduated from West Virginia University-Parkersburg in 2011 with a journalism degree. He's an award-winning photographer and enjoys writing stories about people.


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