Cheney council abdicated its moral obligation

In a shameful abdication of their duty and moral obligation to the people of Cheney, 5 of 7 elected City Council members voted May 9 – against the resounding opposition of their constituents – to approve rezoning a north Cheney mobile home park.

This rezoning opens the door for owner Todd Tarbert, an out-of-town landlord who has done little to maintain or improve the park in the nearly 20 years he has owned the property, to move forward with redevelopment that would displace almost 60 households, including low-income, elderly and disabled folks and multi-generational families.

Council members who had previously requested Tarbert provide a relocation plan as a condition of moving forward reversed course when he refused to provide one (or commit to supporting residents through relocation assistance, or put his promises about building affordable housing in writing).

Councilmember Paul Schmidt, using dubious logic, raised the specter of litigation if the council failed to approve the ordinance.

Councilmember Mark Posthuma was the lone voice of integrity and moral courage, questioning Tarbert and speaking to the responsibility of the council to protect community members.

The people of Cheney deserve better than elected representatives who refuse to stand up for their constituents against a wealthy property owner.

If they aren’t up to the task, the four council members whose seats are open in November 2023 should make way for folks who are.

The filing deadline is May 19 for new candidates – take note, change-makers!

Corinna Bockstruck



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