Democracy cost

Letter to the Editor

By Douglas Brunell

The Cheney city council is not a democracy, but, rather, it is communism. There are three mistakes that the Cheney city council made that proves that this is communism in the Cheney city council, which are as follows:

The Cheney city council stated that even if they vote “no” on rezoning, Tarbert can still close the park, evict everyone, and make us all homeless. This makes no sense at all because if Tarbert closed the park without the city council approval rezoning, Tarbert would lose millions of dollars in lost rent. Thus, this idea is just plain stupid.

The Cheney council asked Tarbert, on April 25, “when” the two year clock would start for Tarbert to close the park (and evictions to begin) and Tarbert responded immediately after the park closure notices were mailed out to the tenant. The city council gave itself away by asking “when” instead of “if” the park closes. The city council has full knowledge that Tarbert will close the park A.S.A.P ., because this communism, it is not democracy.

I phones the mayor’s office and a woman named Miley answered. She asked me why I wanted to see the mayor, and I told her I wanted to talk to him about Tarbert’s comments to me on February 14, and Tarbert’s comments to Adam Schwager on February 21, regarding the city of Cheney “pressuring” Tarbert to close the park. Miley said that that issue was already resolved in a closed city council session, and I responded “no”, it is not resolved, and so I brought it up at the meeting on April 25, which was totally ignored. The Cheney city council tried, and failed, to sweep this important issue under the table in secrecy.


I do not think that anyone on the Cheney city council is listening to me, but if anyone is still honest and believes that democracy is better than communism, you can still vote “no” to rezoning based on humanitarian reasons, which are Tarbert will kill at least one person, who is Maria Zambrano, 81 years old, by making her homeless in two years. A “no” vote by the Cheney city council will keep the park open, because Tarbert wants the money from his rents. The idea that Tarbert can closed the park is just plain stupid, because of lost rent money.


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