County to police Medical Lake

MEDICAL LAKE – Spokane county’s policing contract with the city expires Dec. 31. The contract states that Spokane county will continue to police the city for a maximum of two years, and in that time the city will develop a new plan for services.

The contract was originally due to be automatically renewed by Dec. 31 unless either party, the city or Spokane county, gave notice of a desire to terminate services and initiate a transition plan.

“I asked council in October to allow me to send a letter of interest to Airway Heights.” Mayor Terri Cooper said. “The Spokane county sheriff at the time served the city a termination letter upon hearing that we had corresponded with Airway Heights police. This started the transition plan.”

The primary goal of reevaluating the current contract, Copper said, is to improve police services at a reduced cost.

In the following two years, the transition plan will involve several elements, including negotiations and dialogue with other police departments and private entities. “The important thing I want the residents of this city to know is that policing will continue as usual.” Cooper said.

Author Bio

Lucas Walsh, Former managing editor

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Lucas is a former Cheney Free Press managing editor. He is a nationally published author who contributes regularly to several publications across the country.


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