West Plains riders compete in Omak Stampede

Gleave wins nearly $1,300 in breakaway roping

OMAK - Three West Plains competitors were in the money at the annual Omak Stampede and World-Famous Suicide Race over the weekend.

Cheney's Ty Schlect and Lindsey Brash and Medical Lake's Cheyanne Gleave all received payouts from the rodeo that took place Aug. 11-14.

Competing in breakaway roping, Gleave tied for fourth place and with Brighton Bauman of Burleson, Texas and Janey Reeves of Melba, Idaho.

All three took home $1,292.79.

The breakaway roping winner was Tayler Bradley of Goldendale.

With a time of 2.3 seconds, she took home $2,424.07.

In team roping, Schlect partnered with Sam Parke...


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