A Moment

Writers Workshop

How does the song go? “I close my eyes. Only for a moment then the moment’s gone.” (Dust in the Wind, Kansas- Eric Benet) Oh, but a sweet moment. There is a place I go to de-stress, unwind, and just relax. I don’t have to change out of my pajamas or comb my hair. I don’t have to drive anywhere. It’s my thinking place and I do close my eyes. This is a dreamy collection of several places that make me happy. I come here whenever I need it. It’s spring time in New Mexico. I’m walking in a forest edged meadow. The sun is warm on my face, the air cool. Listening to the insects buzzing and feeling that sunshine puts me in a sleepy trance. The wind blows through the trees. They sing to me. Birds, too. I’m surrounded by wild grasses that rustle gently, delicate mountain flowers, and the occasional cow patty or gopher mound. Beyond, the woods beckon. I’m not ready for you yet. Just another minute in the meadow. Eyes closed, I listen to the buzzing and chirping, the rustling and humming. I breathe deeply, enjoying the scent of grass and dust and clean mountain air. Sounds contradictory but its all there, in this tranquil moment.

I slowly drift to the edge of the pasture. It’s cooler here by the trees, briefly raising goose bumps on my skin. As I wander into the woods, speckled sunshine tickles my eyes. Aspen leaves glint gold in the breeze. A mattress of deadfall softly crunches beneath my feet. Small dusty green plants and vines tug at my shoes. Further in, the sounds of the meadow are replaced by a silence interrupted only occasionally by an insect’s click or buzz and the snapping of twigs as I move through my fantasy forest. The musty, earthy scent calms my soul. I stay here for a while enjoying the quiet. When ready, I open my eyes and return to the world. I’m uplifted and rejuvenated.


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