Letter to the Editor

I am so glad that the Washington State mask mandate will be lifted soon. No, I am not against masks. I am actually very grateful for the caution and care our state and in turn Cheney School District has exercised during COVID. I am glad it will be lifted because maybe now our school board can get back to the critical work entrusted to them of overseeing the education of our children. Maybe they won’t have to be subjected to disrespectful disruptions to their work.

I am a glad the mandate will be lifted because now maybe the Free Press will have something to report on other than a handful of disrespectful parents making front page news. Maybe that will make room for a picture of CHS senior basketball players that is actually big enough to see. For those who are truly concerned about the social emotional health of our students maybe we need to examine the despicable example being set for them in exchanges such as reported on at the recent school board meeting.

Carol Kriegh


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