Electric heating costs similar to natural gas

Letter to the Editor

Last week, the Cheney Free Press ran a column with statements which I find incorrect or misleading.

For example, in regards to Senate Bill 1084, the column states, “Prohibiting natural gas is expensive for home and building owners many of whom installed…”

Senate Bill 1084 would eliminate on-site fossil fuel combustion for space heating and water heating in new construction in order to reduce climate impacts. Buildings account for almost 40% of CO2 emissions in the U.S.

Senate Bill 1084 would only affect new construction, not already installed equipment. But most important, heat pumps benefit both the environment and occupants.

Homeguide.com provides comparisons and concludes,” Heat pumps lower electricity bills by $300 to $1500 annually, saving 30-70% on energy costs. Heat pumps are 2 to 3 times more efficient than furnaces, and pay themselves back in energy savings within 5 to 12 years.”

Heat pumps are inexpensive to run, repairs are cheaper and they typically last longer than methane (natural gas) furnaces. Heat pumps have no threat of methane leaks, explosions or carbon monoxide.

For those wanting air conditioning, heat pumps cost less. For those not wanting air conditioning, any additional initial cost is small, especially when part of the home construction cost thus leveraged with the home loan.

Senate Bill 1084 would decrease energy demand and greenhouse gas production while slowing the increase in climate disasters. SB 1084 would provide savings for businesses, renters and homeowners.

Kristin Edmark

Battle Ground


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