Letter to the Editor
I am writing this letter of endorsement in support of Terri Cooper for mayor of Medical Lake.
I was employed by the Medical Lake School District for 34 years and over my career was as a teacher, assistant principal and high school principal. I’ve served on multiple boards and am currently the Medical Lake Citizens for School Treasurer and served six years as the chair of the Lilac Festival Parade and one year as its president.
While I was employed by the Medical Lake School District, all administrators were required to live within the city limits. The district believed there were many benefits for their employees to live where they work including increased opportunities to connect and better relate with the community and students. This is also true for the city administration. The city has a local ordinance that requires the city administrator to live within city limits, yet, the Medical Lake administrator of 20 plus years has never lived in the city. I think that is wrong.
I have known Terri Cooper as a former student of Medical Lake High School. She went on to further her education by earning a bachelor’s degree in public administration, a master’s in business, and has more than 20 years working in local government. She knows and understands how government should work. I have confidence in her leadership and proficiency.
Mismanagement has occurred in the city and I believe under her leadership there will be improvements. There is a lack of code enforcement and possibly the need to rewrite the current laws. Terri knows how to write and follow protocols.
The region is changing and looking to the future we need to plan how to best create opportunities for our children and grandchildren. We need a plan for growth, housing, and investing in other water provisions beyond the Spokane intertie.
I offer my endorsement for Terri Cooper as our next mayor. I think she will do a great job. She has the drive and passion to get the job done. I have full confidence in her.
Russell Brown
Medical Lake
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