Writer's Workshop

When I was a little girl, I lived a magical life. Like a fairy princess.... Never mind, you already know that’s baloney. I remember a time when I was so disillusioned by whatever my parents were doing that I wanted to run away. Now I’m a planner and always have been. So it should come as no surprise that at a tender young age of four or five, I carefully planned my escape from my captors, Mom and Dad. I have no idea what they did to deserve such a punishment as me denying them my delightful presence. It must have been so bad that I blocked it from my memory.

So one evening I decided it was time for me to go out on my own. When my subjugators weren’t looking, I packed a change of clothing for myself, an extra jacket and my favorite toys into my doll case. I hid the case until morning, awaiting Phase 2 of my escape.

Sure enough, I awoke early, hours before anyone else in the house began to stir. I dressed, brushed my teeth, grabbed my case and snuck out the door. I made sure to lock it behind me to discourage chickening out. Head held high, I bravely faced the dangers of a sleepy suburban neighborhood and began the long walk to freedom. Long walk? Where would I go? Uh, I planned everything but where to go. Never mind, I’ll know it when I get there. I sauntered up one block and into the next. The cool morning air tempered my anger. As I approached the fire department just before the highway, I realized I really had nowhere to go. I only had the change from my piggy bank and I was sure it wasn’t enough to start a life on my own. I didn’t know how to be on my own. Oh dear, I locked the door. It was getting late. My overlords would awaken shortly. It was decision time; perhaps I should go home and think this through a little more.

Maybe they weren’t so bad. After all, I already missed them. I would never see my sister again if I left. What about my dog, Bambi? She probably needed me too. Yes, I should definitely go home. I love my Mom and Dad. What was I thinking? I began the long trek home. Although my case was getting very heavy, I knew I’d better run if I wanted to get home before everyone woke up. Hey, I’ll just knock on the door and tell them I went out to play and accidentally locked myself out. That should work. After all, I’m a planner.

Mom opened the door, groggy eyed and messy haired. God she was beautiful. I began to cry. She held me tight and told me not to worry, everything will be all right. She kissed me and made me cocoa. I loved my mom so much. She also scolded me for going outside so early in the morning. It was cold and I could get sick. Ugh, that woman is evil! I love her anyway.


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