
Cheney Congregational Church

Greetings from Cheney Congregational. You’re invited to join us for our “Church in the Park” events on Aug. 29. Partnering with a couple of other churches, we are holding our Sunday morning services outside in Sutton Park at 9:30 a.m. We hope you’ll join us to learn about God’s creation while physically being in it. We hope to see you there!

Also, we welcome you to join us on Sunday mornings for in-person worship at 10 a.m. Masks are no longer required. However, there will be masks available if you want one.

On July 25, we began a new five-week sermon series titled, “Slange y va! — Monastic Traditions and Ordinary Living.” Slange y va is a Gaelic toast which means “to your health and your salvation.” The Christian monastic tradition firmly believed that salvation was not something that began after death, but that begins here and now on earth, and is expressed and experienced through healthy rhythms and practices of life. We’ll dive into some of these ancient monastic practices to see what wisdom they may hold for our lives today.

Kids will have their own “Discovery Team Time” during the service. If you’d like to learn more or contact us, visit our website,

United Methodist Church

Join us in worship at the United Methodist Church as we continue our on line and at home worship options in preparation for a September return to our church building. Pastor Alissa Bertsch will continue a sermon series based on the book of Ephesians entitled “Geared Up For Life.” This week’s theme is “Rooted and Grounded in Love.”

If you wish to worship on line while our doors are closed all services are available on the church website, You may also contact pastor Bertsch at 509-879-2278 if you would like be added to our mailing list for a hard copy of the worship service.


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