Filing to run for office is community involvement

Letter to the Editor

For folks concerned about politics the most important week of the year is next week, May 17 thru May 21. And that is filing week.

It is my belief that the system favors incumbents and others tuned into the political process. Because there is only one week each year that citizens can file for political office. If you become motivated to get involved because of something that has happened, you must wait for this one week in May to do something about it.

Federal and state offices file in even years and most local offices file in odd years. This year Airway Heights has four council positions; Cheney has two school board, three council and one mayor positions and Medical Lake has two school board, five council and one mayor positions up for election.

Our country has prospered since its founding because of grass roots involvement. Change in political leadership is a good thing. Whether you campaign or not, get involved in the process and file for an office.

Don Kennedy

Medical Lake


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