Letter to the Editor
We are parents of a middle school and a high school student in the Cheney School District, and are writing in support of Proposition Nos. 1 and 2 on the Feb. 9 ballot. These propositions would authorize the Cheney School District’s 2021 Educational Programs and Operations and Capital Projects levies. The funds generated by these levies will fund the district budgets for 2022, 2023 and 2024.
It is well-understood that students thrive when they have access to small classes and opportunities for extra-curricular and co-curricular activities. A well-rounded K-12 education, like what students in Cheney Schools currently enjoy, includes special programs such as visual and performing arts, extra-curricular sports and clubs, and support staff to ensure the students’ health and safety. The Educational Programs and Operations levy in Proposition 1 will support these programs, ensuring that the children of the West Plains have access to the opportunities that they need to succeed. Our children also deserve to have school facilities that are in good repair. The Capital Projects levy in Proposition 2 will allow the district to invest in needed technology, make improvements to buildings’ security, and repair or replace school infrastructure.
These funds will not only support our children. By supporting our schools, we will be helping to create the educated workforce needed to drive business development in the region. Investing in our schools is investing in our economy.
In 2018 voters approved a three year replacement levy to augment state funding for the district. That levy provided needed resources to support our students, but it expires at the end of this year. Although the proposed replacement levies will support about 11% of the district’s budget, the proposed levy rate would still be at almost the lowest point since 2000.
Propositions 1 and 2 will allow the Cheney School District to continue its excellent service - not just to our two boys, but to thousands of other children. Please continue to support our community by voting YES to CSD Proposition Nos. 1 and 2 on Feb. 9.
Kristin Weaver Bowman
David D. Bowman
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