How will history view COVID-19 measures whiners?

Letter to the Editor

 My Dad was born in October, 1917, in New Cumberland, West Virginia, my Mum in November, 1919, in Somerset, England. During Dad’s first year of life, the 1918 flu pandemic struck; Mum’s first year was during the second year of the same pandemic, during a time when medical care was not as advanced as now and before inoculations for many diseases were generally known or available. Isolation, social distancing and face masks were used then also, and folks complained but most complied and overcame the pandemic to the benefit of all.  

When Dad was 12 and Mum was 10, the Great Depression struck. Banks and businesses of all sizes failed, unemployment peaked at 25% in the US, 22% in England. And it lasted for 10 years. To make  things worse, the early and mid-1930s saw the Dust Bowl devastate the Great Plains. Many people suffered and folks complained, but all worked toward recovery for the benefit of all. 

The late 1930s saw the slow beginnings of recovery, after 10 long years of deprivation, the Great Depression was largely ended by an even greater world-wide disaster in September, 1939 when World War II started.  

Mum became a registered nurse working in a hospital in Bath, England. Dad became an army medic, in the American hospital nearby, later a combat medic. 

It took six years to finally end that war; many people suffered; the world suffered. But everyone came together, worked together, suffered together, and finally triumphed together for the benefit of all.   

My parents were part of those we now call “The Greatest Generation” who, showing great resilience and courage, and with enormous sacrifice, worked together to ensure the survival of the free world for the benefit of all.  

I wonder what label will be given to those who currently won’t wear face masks, can’t stand being isolated for a few months, can’t go without their weekly pub-crawl, can’t pray at home instead of in church, for the benefit of all.  

Something for us all to ponder. Together. For the benefit of all.  

Michael Joy

Medical Lake


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