Airway Heights considers declaring emergency

AIRWAY HEIGHTS -- City officials announced in a press release today (July 16) that they are considering declaring a financial emergency in order to deal with a "sharp decline" in revenue.

The city is anticipating a budget shortfall of $1.9 million, 19 percent of its budget, in 2020 due to the financial impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. The economic impacts have led to "uncertainty" in revenue sources for the city, putting in jeopardy the continuation of some programs and services provided for at the 2020 budget levels.

"As a result, the City is currently preparing to make a mid-year budget reduction of expenses," officials said in a news release.

City officials are seeking public input on how to balance the budget and reduce the shortfall. The public can provide comments on how it would like to see funding distributed on the city's website under the 2020-budget-challenge tab.


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