July 4 closures on West Plains

SPOKANE COUNTY – Most local, county and federal offices will be closed this Friday in observance of the July 4 holiday on Saturday.

In many cases, those offices – such as the cities of Airway Heights, Cheney and Medical Lake – have been closed to walk-in customers since the state of emergency declared in March as a response to the spread of COVID-19. Those offices have had phone calls forwarded as employees work at home, and not return calls for service made Friday until Monday, July 6.

All Spokane County Library District facilities will be closed on Saturday, July 4, including curbside pickup services. Online services and resources remain available, with facilities and curbside pickup resuming July 6.

The Cheney Free Press will be closed on Friday, July 3, but will reopen for business July 6. No changes to deadlines will be made.


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