
Cheney Congregational Church

This past Sunday we participated together (though in our own homes) in a service of lament and reflection following the tragic news of George Floyd’s death and all that is going on in our nation right now. We join with our brothers and sisters of color who have been demanding justice for far too long. We repent of the role that we have played in remaining silent. Let us lament together and pray for justice and change.

This upcoming Sunday, pastor Matt Goodale will preach on the practice of paying attention. Paying attention is something we often associate with sitting in a class or a meeting, but what about cultivating the spiritual practice of paying attention to the humanity and dignity in every person we meet throughout our day?

Paying attention to those we come into contact with is a form of reverence for who they are and who God created them to be. If you would like to receive recordings of Goodale’s sermons, then you can email him at [email protected].

Emmanuel Lutheran Church

Greeting from Emmanuel Lutheran Church. Although we cannot worship together as a congregation, we invite our community to access our website for weekly worship materials. If you should need pastoral support during this difficult time, please contact pastor Arianna Arends at 509-954-5886.

Our Free Community Pantry remains open to the community and all are invited to take what they need and leave what they can. Donations of non-perishable food and personal care items for all ages are greatly appreciated. Thank you for your continued support of this important ministry to our neighbors in need.

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church

A welcoming haven, nourishing all God’s people in body, mind and spirit. Rev. Kathryn Lamphere is our vicar.

Our church services and gatherings are suspended for now due to the threat of the coronavirus. This decision will be revisited soon. We will keep you updated. Meantime you can go online to http://www.episcopaldioceseofspokane for online Sunday services.

The memorial service in honor of our deceased priest, Rev. Christine Soule, is postponed and will be rescheduled later, to be held at St. John’s Cathedral. We will keep you informed.

For your contemplation: “7 Deadly Social Sins” Politics without Principle. Wealth without Work. Commerce without Morality. Pleasure without Conscience. Education without Character. Science without Humanity. Worship without Sacrifice.” Gandhi

United Methodist Church

Warm greetings from the United Methodist Church. Each week you are invited to worship with us at home online or with a worship guide while our church building remains closed.

This Sunday, pastor Pat Sleeth will continue a new sermon series based on the book, “Three Simple Rules, A Wesleyan Way of Living.” The first rule was “do no harm” and this week’s rule and topic is “do good.”

An at home worship guide is available weekly for those not wanting or able to access the online worship service. You can download it from the church website at or contact pastor Alissa Bertsch at 509-879-2278 if you would like be added to our mailing list for a hard copy.

We pray for health and safety for all as we worship apart but stay together in spirit.


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