

Congregational Church

Praise God that the church is not confined to four walls and a steeple. We are the church. And during this strange and anxious season we will continue to be the church, even though we cannot gather together in person.

While we are no longer able to share smiles, shake hands and enjoy each other’s company for a time, we are still able to stand with one another and support each other as needs arise. One of the primary ways we care for one another right now is by staying home. This is a burden we are not eager to take on, but it is the one we are called to bear in order to love our neighbors who are more vulnerable to the virus.

If you are reading this and do not currently have a church home, but would like one for this season, or if you have needs to be met, then email pastor Matt Goodale at [email protected]. During this season Goodale is sending out recorded sermons and guides to conduct worship at home. We also have members who are eager to help meet needs. Blessings and prayers to you all during this time of uncertainty and dislocation.

Emmanuel Lutheran Church

For Holy Week folks are encouraged to pick up packets with worship materials, palms, communion bread, and other activities to celebrate this week at home. The church has also been encouraging those with computers and internet access to explore live services, children’s resources, devotions, prayers, videos and much more through links on its website at

There will also be online offerings for folks posted through a local Facebook page (open to all) at 741182102596112. A schedule of events is as follows:

April 9 Maundy Thursday 5:30 p.m. Have a meal plus bread and wine ready.

April 10 Good Friday video devotions, meditations, contemplations premier at 9 a.m., noon, 3 p.m. and 7 p.m.

April 11 Easter Vigil 6 p.m. (pre-recorded) 8 p.m. Live event with Zoom invitation 

Emmanuel will be doing a live event with members with lots of resources on its website.

United Methodist Church

Neither the passion and pain of Holy Week nor the jubilant celebration of Easter morning can be diminished by the current situation in our world with CoVid19.

United Methodist will observe Good Friday with an online service available on its website any time after 6 a.m. Friday, April 10. The service includes the celebration of Holy Communion with the invitation for individuals to provide their own communion elements.

United Methodist will celebrate the risen Savior on Easter morning with an online service together with the entire Greater Northwest United Methodist conference. That service is also available on the church website any time after 6 a.m. Easter morning, Sunday April 12. Conference Bishop, Rev. Elaine Stanovsky will provide the message and there will be vocal gifts presented from people from all around our church conference.

At home worship guides are available for those not wanting or able to access the online services. They can be downloaded from the church website or contact pastor Alissa Bertsch at 509-879-2278 if you would like be added to our mailing list for a hard copy.

Along with Christians everywhere United Methodist wishes a joyous Easter, remembering that Easter is an entire season and way living and not just a single day on the calendar. Alleluia, Amen.

St. John’s Lutheran Church

All of St. John’s traditional services (Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter morning) will still take place except they will happen virtually on the church’s Facebook live page. Thursday and Friday are at 7 p.m. and Easter at 10 a.m. Pastors Greg and Carol Yeager shared their services online for several years back in North Carolina and so it was an easy addition. The church began doing this at the beginning of the Lent season, including its Wednesday evening services.

With the state’s stay at home guidance, St; John’s has added a special “Kids Connection” video on its Facebook page every Monday, Wednesday and Friday helping kids connect everyday life and some of their feelings right now with God’s story. In addition, on Tuesday and Thursday mornings Carol Yeager offers a short video of mindfulness/ meditation and scripture reading to help us all handle the stress of these times.

For Holy Week, St. John’s sent out home liturgies congregants can use to celebrate, which has proved especially helpful for members who don’t have computers.


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