

Congregational Church

Praise God that the church is not confined to four walls and a steeple.

We are the church, and during this strange and anxious season, we will continue to be the church, even though we cannot gather.

We are still able to stand with one another and support each other as needs arise. One of the primary ways we care for one another right now is by staying home. This is a burden we are not eager to take on, but it is the one we are called to bear in order to love our neighbors who are more vulnerable to the virus.

If you are reading this and do not currently have a church home, but would like one for this season, or if you have needs to be met, then email pastor Matt Goodale at [email protected]. During this season Goodale is sending out recorded sermons and guides to conduct worship at home. We also have members who are eager to help meet needs. Blessings and prayers to you all during this time of uncertainty and dislocation.

Emmanuel Lutheran Church

As the national pandemic and social distancing continues, Emmanuel invites the West Plains community to go online at and On our website you will find worship opportunities, community updates, devotions, coloring pages, live streaming of worship services and places to ask for help.

Pastor Arianna Arends is available for those who need pastoral support. She may be reached at 509-954-5886 or [email protected]. The church office is available by phone or email Monday thru Friday from 8 a.m. to noon, at (509) 235-6030 or [email protected].

The Community Free Pantry will remain open 24/7 at 639 Elm St. Donations of non-perishable food and personal care items for all ages are always accepted for our neighbors in need. If you are able, please give generously.

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church.

We are a welcoming haven, nourishing all God’s people in body, mind and spirit.

Our church services and gatherings are suspended through due to the threat of coronavirus. This decision will be revisited in late April.

The memorial service in honor of our recently deceased priest, Rev. Christine Soule, is postponed and will be rescheduled at St. John’s Cathedral.

For your contemplation: “Let nothing disturb you. Nothing dismays you. All things are passing, God never changes. Patient endurance attains all things...God alone suffices.” St. Teresa of Avila

United Methodist Church

Worship with us this Sunday at home or online at United Methodist Church. An individual, at-home worship guide is available on the church website including YouTube links this week to a message from pastor Alissa Bertsch.

The Passion Sunday theme will be the “Shadow of Death,” with scripture from the book of Matthew.

All regular church gatherings are suspended at this time and the church building is closed for use.


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