Just breathe, you're probably going to make it

Letter to the Editor

As we are all aware the coronavirus is taking over everything we do, whether it’s our social media, TV and daily lives which includes shutting down school and work. Every day we are seeing new death reports that only scare and hype up people more.

The problem with this is that when the media reports these deaths and creates the media hysteria it has, they are not sharing any of the actual facts, which is that the people who are dying are typically older or have compromised immune systems, but yet they continue to fail to let the people know this information.

For example, when NBC News on March 11 confirmed Italy had over 200 deaths in 24 hours there wasn’t one mention of what the victim’s demographics were and if they fell into this category. The problem with this is that its scaring and hyping people up, and they are going crazy. The media is to blame for this because they are making it a bigger issue then it needs to be.

If the media doesn’t stop feeding the mass hysteria, things are only going to get worse for everyone. I mean all the grocery stores in town are already out of toilet paper and food and if we continue to let this get out of control some seriously bad things could happen.

To help solve this problem, please wash your hands, use hand sanitizer, stay home if you’re sick and practice social distancing. I am writing this to make people aware that they don’t need to worry. Most young healthy people who get it won’t even know that they have it and they won’t die.

So please, stop buying all the toilet paper and just breath and practice social distancing and this will all go away.

Paige Mans



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