The theocracy of Liberty State

Write to the Point

As has been widely reported, Rep. Matt Shea (R-Spokane Valley) has been labeled a “domestic terrorist” after the Washington State House of Representatives commissioned an independent investigation to determine if, and to what extent, Shea “engaged, planned, or promoted political violence against groups or individuals.”

Conducted by Rampart Group LLC, the extensive 108-page report concluded that Shea did, in fact, engage in political violence and domestic terrorism on three separate occasions as a leader of the so-called “Patriot Movement” by planning, engaging and promoting three different armed conflicts against the United States.

As a result, Shea was immediately expelled from the Republican caucus and stripped of all committee assignments by his party’s leadership. He has even been kicked out of his legislative office, according to various media reports.

Still, Shea remains defiant, denying the report’s findings that he has called a “sham investigation,” according to the Seattle P.I.

“Due process is the right of every citizen, and should be afforded to all members of the House regardless of their views or party affiliation,” Shea, an attorney and graduate of Gonzaga Law School, wrote in a lengthy Facebook post. “When due process is thrown out the window for political expediency we all, as Americans are in danger. It is also a violation of federal law.”

To be clear, Shea has not been accused or arrested for any crimes — yet.

The report has been forwarded to the FBI for further consideration.

But let’s assume for a moment that the investigation and its findings are indeed a sham. Like any American, Shea has the right to express his opinion as afforded under the First Amendment, and as a legislator it’s his job to introduce various bills that might eventually become law.

And he has, introducing legislation in 2019 that would allow a coalition of counties east of the Cascade Crest to secede from Washington and become the 51st state in the union, a state called Liberty.

In Shea’s view, Liberty would be a far right, libertarian enclave based on his particular brand of Christian values that advocate the killing of male homosexuals and abortion advocates if they fail to submit to his view of fundamentalist Christian religious law, according to a document he distributed last year.

While the idea of secession might appeal to some, the problem with Shea’s “patriotic,” Christian vision for the state of Liberty is that it’s fundamentally unconstitutional.

According to the Rampart report, Shea has “condoned intimidation by supporters of his political opposition including activists, government officials, Muslims, and others who speak or act in opposition to his personal beliefs and his political agenda.”

The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is clear about free speech. It’s also clear about the practice of religion: “Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. …”

What Shea and his far right supporters are proposing with a Christian state of Liberty is the same thing the Taliban created in Afghanistan, and ISIS in Iraq: a theocracy, an oppressive, top-down system of government where “priests” make the laws based on their interpretation of a religious text.

While Shea has the authority to propose laws within a legislative body of his fellow duly elected legislators under the laws and constitution of Washington state and the United States of America, he doesn’t have the authority to overthrow the government or suppress anyone.

In fact, he swore an oath when he became a legislator to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution …”

Working to sow hate and discontent, and undermine the U.S. government and its laws in order to create a theocracy is not only anti-patriotic, it’s simply anti-American.

Lee Hughes can be reached at [email protected].


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