Airway Heights candidates respond to questions

AIRWAY HEIGHTS — There are two contested positions on the City Council this election season. Incumbent Larry Bowman is defending Position No. 5 against challenger Jared Lacambra, while Jennifer Morton and Sarah Slater via for Position No. 7 currently held by Dave Malet. Incumbent Councilwoman Veronica Messing is running uncontested.

Each candidate was asked the same questions, sent to the emails listed on the Spokane County Elections website, and offered the same amount of time to respond. Candidates are listed alphabetically. Answers are edited for style and grammar only.


Question: The city and the region continue to struggle with water issues. Adding to this challenge is the contamination of Airway Heights water by PFAS and PFOS contaminants found in three of the city’s wells in May 2017. What is your opinion regarding the city’s current and ongoing response to the contamination? Do you feel it has been adequate, or that more needs to be done? Please explain.

Council Position No. 5

Larry Bowman – No response

Jared Lacambra – I am happy with how the City has responded I’d especially acknowledge our Public Works Director Kevin Anderson. The city has disseminated information, held town halls, hosted the CDC as well as continued to work with the Air Force. My understanding is that the new $1million dollar filtration system (paid for by the Air Force) can only be used during warm months. So there is still more to work to be done, If elected, sitting down with right folks and learning as much as I can would be one of my top priorities so I can help push forward solutions through the council.

Council Position No. 7

JenniferMorton – The city, once aware of the issue, took immediate and concise action to the flush out their system until contaminant levels could be corrected. Daily the city is keeping a close monitor on the level of contaminant to ensure it is meeting legally required safety levels (for drinking water). Its continued monitoring and search of permanent solutions for the future preservation of the water quality in Airway Heights is ongoing.

The city’s quick and concise response was adequate but as I stated above, is an going search for a permanent and workable solution that needs to continually be pursued.

Sarah Slater – No response

Growth and


Question: Growth and development in Airway Heights has exploded in recent years. Last year it was designated an “Opportunity Zone” for developers and investors through the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, even as development in recent years has created traffic congestion and related issues. Local transportation planners are currently studying future growth and traffic mitigation. Do you feel the ongoing effort to mitigate growth and related congestion is sufficient? Why or why not?

Council Position No. 5

Larry Bowman -- No response

Jared Lacambra – I think that anyone who travels along Highway 2 feels the pain of congestion daily. Studies are required in order to make sure we are making intelligent investments to our Infrastructure. If elected I would work with local transportation planners to make sure they have all the resources, they need so that solutions can be implemented. At my day job I project manage a construction portfolio of roughly $20 million, I would use that experience to work with all of our community partners, investors, developers and government agencies to find mutually beneficial agreements or grants that can provide creative ways to help fund projects so that costs don’t fall only on the local taxpayer. I think growth is good and so is change; I am interested in finding ways to incentivize more business in town. I envision less fast food and gas stations and more locally owned restaurants and shops

Council Position No. 7

Jennifer Morton – The ongoing effort to mitigate growth and related congestion can be seen in the WDOT traffic study in which a second east to west roadway north of Highway 2 is being looked at. This would help to relieve some of the traffic congestion and provide an alternative route for local citizens to travel from one side of the city to the other.

Sarah Slater – No response


Question: Looking ahead, what are the biggest issues facing Airway Heights heading into the future? How might they strengthen or otherwise benefit the community, or, if they might have a negative impact, what would you do to mitigate those issues?

Council Position No. 5

Larry Bowman – No response

Jared Lacambra – Water and traffic are both big issues facing our city however, the next issue I would like to is education. Airway Heights is the fastest growing part of Cheney School District. Airway Heights contributes to not only the student body, but also a fair proportion of taxes. Our students should not be bused 30-40 minutes away. A future high school and middle school needs to be part of future planning. Students and teachers being able to work and learn in where they live will benefit and strengthen our community by fostering a connection to Airway Heights. My wife and I both coach at Cheney High School and have a strong connection to the district. I would look to collaborate with existing council member Sonny Weathers who I know is a passionate advocate on this issue as well.

Council Position No. 7

Jennifer Morton – Some of the biggest issues the city is facing moving forward will be meeting the needs of its growing population. This includes school aged children, retirement aged adults, incoming businesses/companies, an underworked workforce seeking new opportunities, etc. That is why I have chosen four key issues to focus on:

• Water – an actionable solution for providing clean affordable water

• Housing – affordable housing for current and new residents

• Schools – a complete K-12 school system for our growing population

• Infrastructure – accessible/connected transportation and safe walking/biking paths

The four issues listed above – once effective solutions are implemented, can only work to strengthen and benefit the community as a whole moving forward.

Sarah Slater – No response

Lee Hughes can be reached at [email protected].


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