Cheney Congregational Church
Sunday, Oct 3 is Communion Sunday at Cheney Congregational Church. As usual, on the first Sunday of each month, our communion table is open to everyone who is old enough to understand. One need not be a member to share the sacrament.
The sermon text will be Jeremiah 29:1, 4-7. God speaks a word of hope to those who feel they are living in exile, cut off from a life of joy and wholeness. Join us to hear this word of hope!
Children are welcome in our congregation. Young children can play in a designated area in the back of the sanctuary. Parents can be part of the service while their children play in quiet activities right in front of them. Children who are generally age 4-10 can participate in Children’s Church following the opening parts of our service.
Following services a fellowship hour for everyone offers an opportunity for refreshment and conversation.
We are joining other churches in Cheney to sponsor a youth group for children in grades 6-12. Children and their parents are welcome to meet Oct. 6 from 4:30 – 6:30 p.m. at United Methodist Church.
The Lunch Bunch will meet on Thursday Oct. 10 at noon in the fellowship hall. You are invited to bring a dish to share and enjoy fellowship and an opportunity to meet some of the members of our congregation.
Put Oct. 12 at 4:30 p.m. on your calendar. There will be an installation service for our new pastor, Matt Goodale. He will affirm his ordination vows and the congregation will affirm its calling of him to be our pastor. Join the congregation in the sanctuary for this service.
Church office hours are Monday 1-4 p.m., Tuesday 9 a.m.-noon and Thursday 11 a.m.-6:30 p.m. Please call ahead to be sure that someone is in the office. Pastor Goodale is available by appointment. The office e-mail is [email protected]. Office phone is 509-235-4103 where a voice mail message may be left if no one is available to answer.
Everyone is welcome at Cheney Congregational Church.
Emmanuel Lutheran Church
Emmanuel Lutheran Church invites you to worship with us this Sunday, Oct. 6, at 10:30 a.m. Fellowship follows the worship service.
Adult education meets Sunday’s in the upper kitchenette at 9 a.m.
Mark your calendars for Saturday, Nov. 3 from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. for Emmanuel’s annual Holiday Bazaar and Luncheon. This is a good opportunity to start your holiday shopping.
All are welcome to visit Emmanuel’s Little Free Library and Free Community Pantry located at 639 Elm St. Donations of books, non-perishable food, and personal care items for all ages are always accepted. Both are open to the community 24/7. Emmanuel thanks you for your continued support of this outreach ministry to our neighbors in need.
United Methodist Church
As is our tradition on the first Sunday of the month, we will celebrate Holy Communion at the United Methodist Church this Sunday. Please join us for worship at 10 a.m. Pastor Alissa Bertsch will be preaching the second sermon in a new series, “By Faith.” Before worship there are Sunday school classes at 9 a.m.
Sunday afternoon we are excited to launch a new youth group ministry for students in grades 6 - 12. Dinner will be provided for the 4:30 p.m. event. Families are welcome to participate.
You may call the church office for additional information on other worship and study opportunities during new office hours, Tuesday – Thursday from 4:30-8 p.m.
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