
Cheney Congregational Church

Church shopping?  Check us out any Sunday morning at 10 a.m. and stay for coffee hour at 11 a.m. so we can get acquainted. We welcome everyone regardless of where they are in their faith journey.

Our new pastor, Matt Goodale, is continuing his sermon series, “A Surprising Family of Faith,” focusing on how we all encounter God in unique ways, this Sunday, Aug. 25, at 10 a.m. Our faith journeys may look different, but they are all embraced by God, who uses each of our stories to reveal a different texture, color or shade of God’s love for us all.

Goodale will preach this week on Balaam (Numbers 22-24), whose story reveals a God who works outside the boundaries of the religious tribes and groups we create; are we open to hearing a word from God from outside our faith tradition?

Men’s breakfast is at 7:45 a.m. on Aug. 25 at Cheney Marketplace Bakery & Eatery. The women are now starting women’s fellowship breakfast at 7:45 a.m. on the second and fourth Sundays at Bene’s, starting this Sunday. All are welcome at these breakfasts.

We are preparing and distributing brown bag dinners for Feed Cheney guests on Monday, Aug. 26 at Veterans Park, across from Wren Pierson Community Center. If you can bake cookies, help make sandwiches and assemble the dinners or help distribute them, please contact Jenifer Dahl.

On Aug. 28, Mike Folsom will present “Water Climate of Eastern Washington: Why are we so Dry?” in the sanctuary at 423 N. 6th St. Coffee and cookies will follow this one hour presentation. Free and open to the public.

Choir rehearsal begins on Sept. 1 at 9 a.m. in the sanctuary. All voices are welcomed and appreciated, even if you’ve never attended our church before.

On Sept. 8 immediately following our church service, we will gather in the fellowship hall for a “Church Dream Session.” This will be an opportunity for congregation members and our pastor to share what our hopes and dreams are for Cheney Congregational Church.

Cheney Community Church

Next Sunday, Aug. 25, Cheney Community Church will join several other Cheney churches for “Church in the Park.” The service will begin at 10 a.m. at Sutton Park in Cheney. Attendees are encouraged to bring lawn chairs and/or blankets for seating.

A potluck meal will follow the service. The main dish is provided; bring a side dish to share. As a joint project of the cooperating churches, clothing donations will be taken for the Cheney Outreach Center.

This week a team of seven individuals from Cheney Community Church went to El Salvador under the auspices of Living Water International (LWI) to assist in digging a village well. This is the seventh LWI team that has gone out from the church over the past 10 years.

It will soon be time for AWANA Club to start. The first regular meeting is Wednesday, Sept. 11 at 6:30 p.m. Children and teens from two years of age through high school are welcome to attend. Registration will take place during the first club night. Use the 2nd Street entrance.

Regular worship services will resume at the church on Sunday, Sept. 1 at 10 a.m.

Nursery care and junior church are also available during this time. Bible classes for adults, young adults and youth meet at 8:45 a.m. Youth group meets every Monday evening at 6 p.m. for dinner and Bible study.

Visitors are always welcome to worship with us. Call the office for additional information at 235-4841. The church is located at 1307 3rd St. in Cheney.

Emmanuel Lutheran Church

Emmanuel Lutheran Church invites you to worship with us this Sunday, Aug. 25, at 10:30 a.m. Fellowship hour follows the worship service.

Mark your calendars for Sept. 8. On this Sunday we will be having several events. The first event is “Rally Day,” which marks the beginning of the school year. The second, “GIFT” Sunday will also return after a summer break.

Our 10:30 a.m. “GIFT” Sunday is an intergenerational combined worship service and Sunday school for all ages. We will meet in the fellowship hall downstairs.

We will wrap up the day with “God’s Work, Our Hands,” Emmanuel’s yearly service project for the Cheney community and end with a potluck lunch. All are welcome!

All are welcome to visit Emmanuel’s Little Free Library and Free Community Pantry located at 639 Elm St. Donations of books, non-perishable food, and personal care items for all ages are always accepted. Both are open to the community 24/7. Emmanuel thanks you for your continued support of this outreach ministry to our neighbors in need.

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church

A welcoming haven, nourishing all God’s people in body, mind and spirit. Holy Eucharist at 11 a.m. Rev. Christine Soule will preach and preside.

The ELM program will resume come the fall.

Our community vegetable garden is ever growing and ripening and we are bringing fresh, healthy food to the Cheney Food Bank each week throughout the season.

Fellowship breakfast is each Thursday morning at 7:30 a.m. All are welcome.

Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Saturday morning at ll:30 a.m. in the parish hall.

For your contemplation: Episcopal Relief and Development works with Anglican and Episcopal partners to provide emergency assistance, such as food, water and shelter in times of disaster. We rebuild devastated communities after the immediate crisis is over. We address the United Nation’s Millennium Development Goals through our food security and primary health programs, and we offer long-term solutions to help people sustain safer, healthier and more productive lives.

United Methodist Church 

Sunday morning worship is at 10 a.m. at the United Methodist Church. Pastor Alissa Bertsch will be preaching, with pastor Pat Sleeth assisting with the service. Are you looking for a church home where all are welcomed? Please join us at Cheney UMC.

Sunday afternoon there will be a pool party at pastor Alissa’s home from 4 – 7 p.m. Beverages and hot dogs will be provided. Please bring a side dish or dessert to share.

The church office has new hours, Tuesday – Thursday from 4:30-8 p.m. You may call the office for additional information on other worship and study opportunities.


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