Cheney Congregational Church
Looking for a church? Drop in any Sunday at 10 a.m. and check us out. Stay for “coffee hour” at 11 a.m. so we can get acquainted. Last Sunday Ray and Donna Pearson treated us to homemade ice cream and sorbet at coffee hour.
Our new pastor, Matt Goodale, is continuing his sermon series, “A Surprising Family of Faith,” focusing on how we all encounter God in unique ways, this Sunday, Aug. 4 at 10 a.m. Our faith journeys may look different, but they are all embraced by God, who uses each of our stories to reveal a different texture, color or shade of God’s love for us all.
Goodale will preach this week on Job, focusing on how lament is a legitimate form of faith which marks many of our stories. The church needs to rediscover this language of lament to embrace the suffering of the world.
On Thursday, Aug. 8, at noon, all are invited to the “lunch bunch” potluck in the fellowship hall. Following lunch, the communications team meets in the Fireside Room at 1 p.m. Council meets Monday Aug. 19 at 6:30 p.m.
We welcome people from all walks of life, anywhere on their faith journey or absence of faith.
Church office hours are Monday – Tuesday, 9 a.m. – noon, and Thursday from 1 – 4 p.m. The office phone number is 509-235-4193 and e-mail is [email protected]. Cheney Congregational Church is located at 423 N. 6th St., at the corner of Oakland Street.
Emmanuel Lutheran Church
Emmanuel Lutheran Church invites you to worship with us this Sunday, Aug. 4, at 10:30 a.m. Fellowship follows the worship service.
Mark your calendar for Sept. 8, when we will be observing “Rally Day,” the traditional return of Sunday school. “God’s Work, Our Hands” is our service project for first responders. And GIFT Sunday returns this Sunday. This service combines all age Sunday school and worship in the fellowship hall. Please plan to attend. Visitors expected!
Adult education class resumes Sept. 15 at 9 a.m.
All are welcome to visit Emmanuel’s Little Free Library and Free Community Pantry located at 639 Elm St. Donations of books, non-perishable food, and personal care items for all ages are always accepted. Both are open to the community 24/7. Emmanuel thanks you for your continued support of this outreach ministry to our neighbors in need.
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
A welcoming haven, nourishing all God’s people in body, mind and spirit. Holy Eucharist begins at 11 a.m. Rev. Christine Soule will preach and preside.
The ELM program will resume come the Fall.
Our community vegetable garden is ripening and we are bringing fresh, healthy food to the Cheney Food Bank each week throughout the season.
Fellowship breakfast is each Thursday at 7:30 a.m. All are welcome.
Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Saturday at ll:30 a.m. in the parish hall.
For your contemplation: “We are a community of pardon, not a community of judgment. We are told not to judge one another and we must not. We must not judge in such a way as to reject and condemn. That is to say we cannot refuse to accept the genuine good will of our brother and sister; we cannot reject their sincere and open offers of reconciliation, their true friendship. Even our enemy must not be judged, but his need for forgiveness must be recognized. We must not judge, that is to say we must always be ready to take the first step in offering reconciliation and pardon. We must not let our evaluations of a person’s acts stand in the way of the Holy Spirit, who draws us to unity with the ‘other’ in spite of his actions which make him/her different from ourselves, perhaps opposed to us. We have a duty to pardon, because it is through us that God wishes to pardon all sinners.”
Thomas Merton.
United Methodist Church
Worship with us Sunday at 10 a.m. at the United Methodist Church. Pastors Alissa Bertsch and Pat Sleeth with lead the service which will include the celebration of Holy Communion.
The worship will kick off our Vacation Bible School. This fun event for the whole family begins Sunday evening and runs every evening through Aug. 8, beginning with a planned potluck meal at 5:30 p.m., followed by songs, stories and activities. This year’s theme is “Roar! Life is Wild - God is Good.” You can register online or at the church. All are welcome.
You may call the church office for additional information on other worship and study opportunities.
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