A war with Iran can and should be avoided

Letter to the Editor

Every day, the United States and Iran continue to move closer to war. As tensions escalate between our nations, the risk grows of accidents and miscalculations tipping us into another deadly conflict in the Middle East.

I am particularly concerned by casual talk about a so-called “limited military strike” that could be carried out at an “acceptable” human cost. In truth, there is no such thing as a quick and painless war — not for any side in a conflict. An American attack against Iran will lead to incalculable death, destruction and human suffering as well as unsustainable economic costs for all involved.

Only Congress has the power to declare war. And only Congress can appropriate funds to pay for war.

We need Congress — and our Representative Cathy McMorris Rodgers – to step up and say “no” to war with Iran and “no” to another war in the Middle East within the last 20 years.

After nearly two decades of ever-expanding wars around the globe, it’s clear there are no military solutions to the challenges we face. Bombing others does not make us safer. In fact, quite the opposite. Now Congress must say “no” to war with Iran.

Call (509) 353-2374 or email McMorris Rodgers at http://www.mcmorris.house.gov.

Nancy Street



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