Cheney School District works on capital projects levy

The Cheney School Board is bracing itself for an onslaught of new students in the coming years as it heard details on a new enrollment report at its July 17 meeting.

The report indicates the district may be facing a student population of nearly 10,000 by 2029, a prospect that Superintendent Rob Roettger joked was “just a little scary.”

The report is still being completed and Roettger said more information for students and families would be available next week.

The board also unanimously approved revisions to district policy No. 3414 governing infectious diseases and unanimously approved changes to the salary schedules for non-represented employees.

“Our goal is always to not be in the bottom and not be in the top and I think this puts us in that range,” Roettger said of the final salaries.

In other news, the board heard some details about a proposed capital projects levy district staff have been working on. Given the influx of new students, the district will soon be faced with options, Finance Director Jamie Weingart said. Those options? Reduce programs, stagger school schedules, or expand and add school sites via a capital projects levy.

The levy rate is proposed at 50 cents per $1,000 of assessed value through 2021.

District staff is still working to finalize the proposed levy and hope to bring a final version before the school board on July 31.

Shannen Talbot can be reached at [email protected].


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